Mama TENS (Hire)


Minimise Labour pain with Mama Tens. The only TENS machine design specifically for use during Labour. One single payment of $70 includes rental of unit and shipping both ways. You’ll receive your TENS machine 3 weeks prior to your due date. Then, once you have had your baby simply return the unit in the satchel provided.

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As your due date draws near you are probably starting to think about your pain relief options. The options for pain relief during childbirth are numerous and putting together your ideal birth plan can be a daunting task. Using a TENS machine is just one such option.

Belly Beat offers its customers what it believes is a leading product in the TENS market at an affordable price. It is the result of considerable research and represents the latest in obstetric TENS technology. The Mama TENS unit is superior to other common TENS units available as it has been designed specifically for obstetric use and labour pain. Mama TENS is widely used in the UK with great success and is now becoming very popular in Australia.

What is TENS?

TENS is the abbreviation for Transcutaneous (through the skin) Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A number of electrodes (or pads) are attached to specific locations on the skin and then connected to a small battery operated hand held device with lead wires.  Once the pads are in place the device is turned on, electrical impulses are sent through the wires, to the skin. These electrical impulses produce a mild tingling sensation.

How does TENS work?

In simple terms, TENS works by scrambling and blocking pain signals on their path to your brain and also by increasing endorphins.

Using TENS allows your body to naturally defend itself against pain. It involves applying minute electrical impulses (via electrodes attached to specific parts of your body – in the case of labour pain, on the back) to the nerve endings just under the skin. These electrical impulses cause a release of endorphins and stimulate the nerve pathways to the uterus and cervix and block other sensory inputs such as pain from reaching the spinal cord and brain.

The pain suffered during birth might start with the first contraction or when the cervix starts to dilate. The pain then increases progressively until the cervix is completely dilated. During this period you will experience pain of different types and intensities but due to the innovative technology which has been incorporated into the MAMA TENS unit, you will be able to help counter this. The MAMA TENS has three levels of intensity to select from depending, designed to be increased as the stages of labour progress. However there is also a boost button which sends out a stronger, more intense surge of impulses for contractions.

What are the advantages of using TENS? 

  • User friendly
  • Drug free and non-addictive
  • Mother and baby are more alert after the birth
  • Non-invasive*
  • Use in the privacy of your home
  • Use from the outset of labour
  • Take with you into hospital as labour progresses
  • Portable, keeping mother mobile and more relaxed

* Medical personnel may ask the expecting mother to cease use during foetal monitoring and unit / pads cannot be used in water

Why hire a TENS machine from Belly Beat?

  • For our low rental price you receive a long rental period for peace of mind
  • You do not pay a deposit
  • Your Mama TENS machine comes with everything you need – including spare batteries and detailed instructions

Belly Beat lets you reserve your unit well in advance – another step in your birth plan taken care of!

Terms and Conditions

The Mama TENS unit remains the property of Belly Beat at all times except when the TENS unit is purchased in full.

Belly Beat supply the Hirer with a Mama TENS unit on the understanding that it will only be used by the person whose name appears on the booking form and is not transferable between individuals.

The Hirer will have discussed the use of a Mama TENS machine with the medical practitioner in charge of their obstetric care and will have received the practitioner’s approval.

The Mama TENS unit will only be used according to the instructions provided. Belly Beat shall not be held responsible or liable for any injury or damage sustained as a result of misusing the Mama TENS unit.

The success of Mama TENS is neither guaranteed nor implied.

The Mama TENS unit will be supplied to the best of our ability in perfect working order and ready for use.

The Hirer will have read and understand the precautions (detailed below) regarding the use of Mama TENS. Mama TENS should not be used by anyone suffering from epilepsy, fitted with a cardiac pacemaker or who suffers from (or is suspected of suffering from) heart disease.

The Hirer agrees to return the Mama TENS unit to Belly Beat in the same condition it was received. The Hirer agrees to ensure the Mama TENS unit is returned absent of any bodily fluids.

Belly Beat reserves the right to charge the replacement value of lost, stolen or damaged Mama TENS units or part of a unit. The replacement cost may also be charged if the Mama TENS unit or parts of the equipment sent out with the unit is contaminated with bodily fluids.

The return of the Mama TENS unit to Belly Beat rests with the Hirer. The Hirer is provided with a pre-addressed, pre-paid satchel to return the Mama TENS unit to us. The Hirer agrees to follow all instructions regarding the Mama TENS unit’s return.

The hire period is for 5 weeks. The Mama TENS unit will be sent out to arrive on or prior to three weeks before the Hirer’s due date. The Mama TENS unit must be returned to Belly Beat on or by the last day of the hire period (unless otherwise agreed with Belly Beat).

An extension of the hire period can be accommodated at no extra cost but this must be requested and agreed upon.

All Mama TENS units are tested immediately prior to dispatch. However, the liability of Belly Beat shall not exceed the hire charge.

It is the responsibility of the Hirer to check the contents of the hire package upon receipt and familiarise themselves with the TENS machine and user instructions. The customer must advise Belly Beat of any problems whatsoever immediately. Belly Beat accepts no responsibility where the customer fails to do so and renders it impossible for Belly Beat to take any corrective actions.

In the event of cancellation the hire fee will be refunded less an administration fee of $10. No refund will be made after the Mama TENS unit has been dispatched to the Hirer.

Non-use of a hired Mama TENS unit is entirely at the discretion of the customer and no refund will apply.

By hiring a Mama TENS unit from Belly Beat you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Belly Beat and all associated persons from all liability arising from or relating to the use of the TENS unit and associated equipment either hired or purchased from Belly Beat.

These terms and conditions are governed by the law of New South Wales, Australia.

Belly Beat reserves the right to alter Terms and Conditions of hire without prior notice.

Special Precautions

Do NOT use the Mama TENS unit under the following circumstances:

During the first 26 weeks of pregnancy.

On the abdomen at any time during pregnancy or labour.

If you have a heart pacemaker.

If you have, or have ever had, a heart rhythm problem.

If you are suffering from acute feverish conditions.

If you are suffering from infectious diseases or tumours.

When driving, cycling or operating machinery.

If you have, or have had, epilepsy you MUST obtain the full approval of your doctor prior to using the Mama TENS unit.

Pads should NOT be placed:

On the abdomen at any time during pregnancy or labour.

On the carotid sinuses located at the front of the neck.

Over the eyes.

Cross-cranially, i.e. across both temples at the same time.

On broken skin.

On areas where normal sensation is absent.

General Precautions

Do no immerse the Mama TENS in water.

Do not place the Mama TENS close to excessive heat.

Do not attempt to open the Mama TENS.

Do not use anything other than the specified batteries.

Keep the Mama TENS away from sources of high magnetic fields such as TVs, microwave ovens and hi-fi speakers as magnetic fields may affect the LCD display, but not the working of the unit.

By hiring a Mama TENS unit from Belly Beat, you accept and agree to these terms and conditions.